Detection of Ultratrace Phosphorus and Sulfur by Quadrupole ICPMS with Dynamic Reaction Cell

A method of detection of ultratrace phosphorus and sulfur that uses reaction with O2 in a dynamic reaction cell (DRC) to oxidize S+ and P+ to allow their detection as SO+ and PO+ is described. The method reduces the effect of polyatomic isobaric interferences at m/z = 31 and 32 by detecting P+ and S+ as the product oxide ions that are less interfered. Use of an axial field in the DRC improves transmission of the product oxide ions 4−6 times. With no axial field, detection limits (3σ, 5-s integration) of 0.20 and 0.52 ng/mL, with background equivalent concentrations of 0.53 and 4.8 ng/mL, respectively, are achieved. At an optimum axial field potential (200 V), the detection limits are 0.06 ng/mL for P and 0.2 ng/mL for S, respectively. The method is used for determining the degree of phosphorylation of β-casein, and regular and dephosphorylated α-caseins at 10−1000 fmol/μL concentration, with 5−10% v/v organic sample matrix (acetonitrile, formic acid, ammonium bicarbonate). The measured degree of phosphorylation for β-casein (4.9 phosphorus atoms/molecule) and regular α-casein (8.8 phoshorus atoms/molecule) are in good agreement with the structural data for the proteins. The P/S ratio for regular α-casein (1.58) is in good agreement with the ratio of the number of phosphorylation sites to the number of sulfur-containing amino acid residues cysteine and methionine. The P/S ratio for commercially available dephosphorylated α-casein is measured at 0.41 (∼26% residual phosphate).