A DNA marker closely linked to the factor IX (haemophilia B) gene

We have isolated a DNA segment, pX58dIIIc, from an X-chromosome library which identifies an SstI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at locus DXS99. Linkage analysis in six informative families has shown that the DXS99 locus lies close to the factor IX gene (F9). No recombination was detected between these loci in 39 informative meioses (Z=9.79, θ=0.0). Therefore, DXS99 will be useful as a DNA marker for the assessment of carrier status in families with haemophilia B where intragenic markers are not informative. Heterozygosity at DXS99 is approximately 50% and, in conjunction with the RFLPs at F9, 90% of females at risk for being haemophilia B carriers should be diagnosed.