Characterization of cell lines derived from a multiply aneuploid human bladder transitional-cell carcinoma, UCRU-BL-13

A series of cultured cell lines (designated UCRU-BL-13) has been established from different serial passages of a multiply aneuploid human bladder transitional-cell carcinoma xenografted in nude mice. Serial passage of the xenografts in vivo and of the cell lines in vitro was accompanied by shifts in the tumor ploidy, with dominance of different major peaks. Despite this, the expression of tumor markers remained constant, and consistent chromosomal markers were observed both in the 8th xenograft passage and in a subline in tissue culture established over a year apart. Chromosomal numbers reflected the predominant aneuploid peaks observed; consistent numerical and structural changes included a marker derived from chromosome I, 8p, 10, 11q +, and I7q+. The cell line derived from the initial xenograft comprised a mixture of transitional, adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma cells in early passage, but adenocarcinoma cells were absent from later passages. The lines expressed the B-blood-group antigen, histocompatibility antigens, receptors for transferrin and EGF, and reacted with a series of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed to malignant human epithelial cell lines. These lines provide a model for studying the evolution of tumor heterogeneity and drug resistance in bladder carcinoma exhibiting multiple aneupioidy.