Myosin heavy chain isoform expression in human myometrium: Presence of an embryonic nonmuscle isoform in leiomyomas and in cultured cells

We had previously found no myosin heavy chain (MHC) changes in expression during pregnancy in human myometrium. In the present work, we compared the MHC pattern of expression in normal human myometrium, pregnant and non‐pregnant, to that in benign tumors of the uterine musculature and in cultured myometrial cells. We used a high‐resolution gel electrophoretic system and monoclonal antibodies directed against smooth muscle and nonmuscle MHCs. Smooth muscle MHCs (SM1, 204 kDa, and SM2, 200 kDa, MHCs) and a nonmuscle MHC of 196 kDa (NM MHC) were detected in pregnant and nonpregnant human myometrium. Pregnant myometrium was found to differ from nonpregnant myometrium by its slightly lower content in NM MHC, whereas the ration of SM1/SM2 was equivalent. In leiomyomas and in cultured cells grown from human myometrium explants, SM1, SM2, and NM MHCs were also expressed. In addition, a nonmuscle MHC of 198/200 kDa (SMemb MHC), which was present in a fetal human uterus but not in adult normal tissue, was observed in leiomyomas and in cultured cells. Expression of SM1 and SM2 MHCs was variable in the different leiomyomas studied. In cultured cells, SM1 and SM2 MHC content was low, but it was enhanced by suppression of serum after cell confluency. Present results confirm that pregnancy‐associated smooth muscle cell hypertrophy is not accompanied by major changes in MHCs. In contrast, cell culturing and cell hyperplasia leading to leiomyoma formation induce substantial modifications in MHCs, including the occurrence of a second type of nonmuscle MHC.