Twenty-nine patients with chronic renal failure were examined both during the predialytic stage and after active treatment (dialysis, transplantation) for upper GI diseases. They underwent a gastric dose-response secretion test, gastroduodenoscopy, radiologic upper GI series, and fasting serum gastrin determination. Upper GI diseases increased in the active treatment stage. At the time of examination, patients with these diseases had a positive ulcer history, duodenitis, duodenogastric reflux, and blood group O more often in the predialytic stage. Their stimulation sensitivity to pentagastrin and their acid secretion capacity were greater, and they were less achlorhydric. Their fasting serum gastrin level was also lower. They had less endoscopically discovered gastritis, but microscopically, with regard to gastritis, they did not differ from those who did not develop upper GI complications. In conclusion, in chronic renal failure upper GI findings increase after the active treatment. Secretion tests and endoscopy performed before active treatment give an indication of those who will develop upper GI complications during active treatment.