Quasi-one-component theory of homogeneous binary nucleation

An effective quasi-one-component model for homogeneous vapor-liquid nucleation of nonideal binary mixtures in the regime of retrograde condensation is proposed. A transformation from the original binary to an effective unary system is accompanied by renormalization of the surface tension. A generalized Fisher droplet model for the cluster distribution is formulated and applied at the effective saturation point within the framework of a kinetic approach. Unknown parameters of the renormalized surface tension are found from the equations for pressure, vapor density, and isothermal compressibility of the effective system. The theory contains no adjustable parameters. A n-nonane–methane mixture is studied at conditions corresponding to the retrograde condensation (pressures >10 bar). Calculated nucleation rates agree fairly well with the recent experimental data whereas predictions of the classical binary nucleation theory are quite poor especially for high pressures (>30 bar).