The heart of Crocodylus porosus is described, and deemed to be typical of living crocodilians after examination of the hearts of Alligator mississippiensis, Caiman crocodilus ssp., Crocodylus johnstoni and Crocodylus n. novaeguineae. Some inconsistencies between the anatomy and supposed patterns of blood flow are discussed. The crocodilian heart is compared with, and seen as an advancement of, the heart of non‐crocodilian reptiles. The varanid ventricle is re‐examined, as it appeared to contain many crocodilian features, along with the ophidian characteristics described previously. The broad similarities within the three groups are interpreted as adaptations towards a high pressure systemic circulation. Consequently varanids and snakes show the same left and right ventricles, as do crocodilians and birds. The evolution of the complete interventricular septum of crocodilians and birds appears to have involved three major trends: firstly, the development of a high pressure left ventricle and the fusion of most of the combined atrio‐ventricular valve to the ostium of the right systemic artery; secondly, a line in which right to left shunting became gradually redundant and the vertical septum was completed to the aortico‐pulmonary septum (giving rise to the avian ventricle); and thirdly, a line in which right to left shunting became increasingly important, and the vertical septum completed to the interaortic septum (giving rise to the crocodilian ventricle). Perhaps the crocodilian ancestry included a crocodile that was far more aquatic than any extant species.