The purposes of the study were: (a) to test for the factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), for 543 teachers at the intermediate (n = 163), secondary (n = 162), and university (n = 218) levels, and (b) to test for the equivalence of factorial measurements and structure across groups. Initial confirmatory factor analysis of the hypothesized 3-factor structure yielded a malfitting model for each group of educators. With a view to improving the MBI for use with educators, subsequent exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses resulted in the deletion of four scale items. Tests for invariance revealed the equivalency of remaining items across intermediate and secondary teachers, and items measuring Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization across all three groups; the structure of burnout was only partially invariant across educators. The study has important implications for substantive studies focusing on multigroup comparisons across teaching panels.

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