Caecal disease in equids

To review the breed, age, gender, clinical and laboratory findings, treatment and outcome of horses with caecal disease presented to a referral centre. Retrospective study of 96 cases. The breed, age, and gender of the study population were compared with the corresponding hospital population for the same period. The means (+/- SD) for clinical and laboratory findings were recorded for each caecal disorder. Treatment was categorised as medical or surgical, and outcome was recorded. Caecal diseases included impaction (40% of total cases), rupture associated with concurrent unrelated disease (13%), rupture with parturition (9%), rupture with no associated disease (5%), infarction (11%), torsion (9%), abscess or adhesion (7%), tumour (3%), and miscellaneous conditions (3%). The breed or gender of affected horses did not differ from the hospital population, although horses > 15 years were more frequently represented (P < 0.05). This age group was specifically more predisposed to caecal impaction (P < 0.05), as were Arabian, Morgan, and Appaloosa breeds (P < 0.05). In horses with caecal impaction transrectal examination was the most useful diagnostic procedure; 90% of affected horses treated medically were discharged while horses treated by typhlotomy alone, or typhlotomy and blind end ileocolostomy, had survival rates to discharge of 71% and 86%, respectively. Horses with caecal rupture associated with concurrent un-related disease showed no signs of impending rupture; all were receiving phenylbutazone, all were euthanased, and 50% had caecal ulceration at necropsy. Of horses with caecal rupture with parturition 56% had prior dystocia; in two-thirds the site of rupture was the ileocaecal junction and all were euthanased. Horses with caecal rupture with no associated disease died or were euthanased; rupture was idiopathic. Horses with caecal infarction usually had signs of abdominal pain and abdominal fluid changes consistent with peritonitis; transrectal examination was nonspecific, and typhlectomy was successful in seven of eight horses. Horses with caecal torsion had signs of severe, acute abdominal pain and typhlectomy was successful in three of five horses. Diagnosis of caecal adhesion or abscess was assisted by transrectal palpation in two of seven horses and surgical treatment was successful in two of five horses. A caecal tumour was diagnosed in three horses aged 20 years or older that presented with chronic weight loss. Other caecal diseases were uncommon. Caecal disease is uncommon in equids but some specific features of the history and physical findings can alert the veterinarian to the possibility of caecal involvement in horses with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Medical or surgical therapy can be effective in horses where caecal rupture has not occurred.