Energy Levels ofNe19

The reaction Ne20(He2,α)Ne19 (Q=3.702 MeV) has been used to determine the energy of excited states of Ne19 up to an excitation of 5 MeV. A thin surface-barrier detector was mounted inside a differentially pumped gas target chamber and measurements were made at He3 bombarding energies of 5.90 and 6.00 MeV. Alpha-particle groups were measured at lab angles 130°, 145°, 165°, and 167.5°. Six kinematically consistent groups are assigned to Ne19. The excitation energies thus determined for the levels of Ne19 are 4.013, 4.152, 4.344, 4.547, 4.689, and 5.077 MeV, where the probable uncertainty is ± 15 keV. These previously unreported levels are found to correspond closely with levels of the mirror nucleus, F19.