Relaxation-time enhancement in the heavy-fermion systemsCePd3andUPt3

The frequency dependence of the electrical conductivity was measured at microwave- and millimeter-wave frequencies in the heavy-fermion materials CePd3 and UPt3. Although the conductivity is independent of the frequency at high temperatures, a substantial deviation from the dc conductivity develops in the low-temperature, ‘‘coherent’’ regime. The observed dependence on frequency agrees with a Drude expression σ1(ω)=σdc/(1+ω2 τ*2), incorporating a renormalized relaxation time τ* typically around 1012 s. From τ* and the measured σdc, the renormalized plasma frequency, ωp*=(σdc/ε0 τ* )1/2 is evaluated. By comparison of ωp* with the plasma frequency obtained at optical frequencies, where renormalization effects do not occur, an enhanced mass is extracted. Similar results are found by comparison of ωp* with the linear specific-heat coefficient. The enhanced relaxation time is approximately given by the expression τ*/τ=m*/me, where τ and me refer to the unrenormalized quantities, supporting the conjectures of Varma and Fukuyama, and the theoretical models advanced by Millis and co-workers, Auerbach and co-workers, and Coleman. An internally consistent analysis of σ(ω) in terms of an enhanced relaxation time also suggests that a frequency-dependent density of states does not play a dominant role in the frequency-dependent response measured in the millimeter-wave spectral range. Possible Fermi-liquid and low-energy density-of-state contributions to the frequency-dependent conductivity are also discussed.

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