Laser-driven shock pressure enhancement in plane-layered CH2-Pt targets

The process of laser-induced shock propagation was investigated for a number of double-layered plane targets with a one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic code using a realistic equation of state and experimentally reported laser absorption values. It was found that a suitably optimized layer of CH2 on Pt can yield pressures in excess of 60 Mbar at its interface with a 1.06 μm, 1014 W/cm2, 300-ps rise-time laser pulse. This should be the highest pressure that can be achieved in any single- or double-layered target with such a laser pulse. The scaling of this pressure with intensity is described by a power law having a higher exponent than usually found for any material. Suitable scaling is also investigated between the optimum thickness and peak pulse power. The results should help in designing experiments on any laser system.