Anxiety as a Function of Task Performance Feedback and Extra Version-Introversion

200 volunteer Ss enrolled in a midwestern university were administered the Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI). Those who scored in the top 15% and the bottom 15% of the population tested were identified as extraverts and introverts, respectively. These 2 groups, one composed of 30 extraverts and the other of 30 introverts, were administered the Digit Symbol test. Upon completion of the task, each S received one of three predetermined and randomly assigned types of feedback concerning his performance. Treatment I Ss were told that from the results of the Digit Symbol task, it appeared they had performed better than did most college students. Treatment II Ss were told that their task performance was lower than that of most college students. Treatment III Ss were given no information concerning their performances. A 2 ×3 multiple analysis of variance design was employed to analyze Ss' performances on the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL), a standardized measure of anxiety, which was administered immediately after the feedback session. Significant differences were found on treatment and extravert-introvert dimension as well as an interactive effect.

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