IRAS 13568−6232: A Quiescent Symbiotic MIRA?

The IRAS point source 13568-6232 has been suggested as a possible Vega-type system—i.e., a main-sequence A-type star with circumstellar dust emission—on the basis of its IRAS colors and LRS spectrum, and an apparent identification with the A2/5 V star HD 121918. We present broadband optical and near-infrared photometry, as well as positional measurements for HD 121918 and an alternative candidate star near the IRAS position. We deduce that the alternative (an anonymous red star) is the true optical counterpart of IRAS 13568-6232. An optical spectrum shows this object to be late M type. Its unusual near-infrared colors and 1-25 μm spectral energy distribution are similar to those of the slow symbiotic nova RR Tel.

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