Use of lectins for differential localization of secretory materials of granular convoluted tubules and ducts in the submandibular gland.

Histochemical differences in complex carbohydrates in GCT [granular convoluted tubules] and duct cells in SMG [submandibular gland] of mice and rats were reported by use of lectins which link to specific sugar residues. The relationship between carbohydrate-peptide complexes in the GCT and the growth factors, EGF [epidermal growth factor] and NGF [nerve growth factor], were also discussed. The granules in the GCT cells of the mouse SMG gave positive binding of PNA [peanut agglutinin] and RCA [Ricinus communis agglutinin] to a moderate degree, and the staining intensity was a little higher in females than in males. Complex carbohydrates in GCT cells are suggested to contain galactose and N-acetyl-galactosamine residues. Binding of SBA [soybean agglutinin] RCA and WGA [wheat germ agglutinin] were low to moderate in the rat GCT when the peroxidase-conjugated lectin method was used. PA/Con A-HRP [periodic acid/concanavalin A-horseradish peroxidase] method in GCT cells showed intense staining. The biological properties of granules in rat GCT cells were different from those of mouse GCT cells.