Magnetic moment distribution in iron vanadium alloys

Neutron diffuse scattering measurements were performed on FeV alloys from 1 to 20 at. % vanadium. The nuclear cross sections were previously investigated in comparison with NMR experiments and exhibit a very strong atomic short range order (SRO). The magnetic cross sections are analyzed here in terms of the localized moment model of Marshall using the known atomic SRO parameters. The data indicate a strong negative moment on the impurity site, almost constant at about −1.1μB up to 5 at. % V. It then tends to zero as the Vanadium concentration increases. The moment values are in very good agreement with previous unpolarized neutron experiments on dilute alloys. The magnetic perturbation terms on the neighbor sites are shown to have similar trends as shown by the SRO parameters. The values of the magnetic cross sections for K = 0 are in good agreement with the values of (dμ/dc)2 derived from magnetization measurements when c⩽4 at. %V. They differ strongly for higher concentrations, which suggests that neutrons probe a more restricted region around the impurity than magnetization measurements.