The phycobiont of Lobaria pulmonaria is not M. biatorellae, as previously reported, but rather M. reticulata. M. reticulata is also shown to occur as the phycobiont of L. amplissima, L. laetevirens, Pseudocyphellaria aurata and a member of the Sarcogyne pruinosa aggregate. This alga also occurs in the free-living state on bark, stones and mosses under conditions of relatively high humidity. Free-living colonies from the British Isles differed from ones from Austria in having their walls encrusted with irregular scales. Non-lichenized Trebouxia colonies are also reported from natural habitats and in most of these zoosporangia were abundantly developed. As previously noted with Trebouxia, in lichens with poorly developed crustose thalli M. reticulata is attacked by obligate intracellular haustoria, while in more highly developed foliose thalli reduced haustoria capable of penetrating only the cell wall are found. S. septata does not appear to be a lichenized species.

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