The relations between nutritional state and vitellogenic growth of oocytes were studied in 87 sexually mature female toads Bufo bufo during the postbreeding season before initiation of the next annual ovarian cycle. Recruitment of small oocytes to vitellogenic growth was correlated with resumption of food uptake and the restoration of a positive energy balance in the toads that had become depleted of energy reserves during hibernation and breeding. Treatment with exogenous gonadotropin (hCG) immediately initiated vitellogenic growth, independently of the nutritional state. But the hCG-induced vitellogenic growth was faster in toads that ate more than the maintenance ration than in those that ate less. hCG also maintained rapid vitellogenic growth in toads that starved after an initial period of feeding during which vitellogenic growth had been resumed. The results support the hypothesis that the period of ovarian quiescence, which normally follows breeding in Bufo bufo, and other anurans from the northern range of distribution of the species, results from inactivation of the hypothalamic-hypophysial gonadotropic system, and that reactivation of the system depends upon reestablishment of a proper nutritional state of the organism.