A structural analysis of the freshly extruded spermatophore from the lobster,Homarus americanus

Freshly extruded spermatophores from the lobster, Homarus americanus, were examined using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The tubular spermatophore is trifoil in shape with two lobes tapered laterally from a third lobe situated ventrally. It is comprised of sperm surrounded by three acellular investments: (1) a primary spermatophore layer, (2) an intermediate layer, and (3) an outer bounding layer. The sperm are packed into a continuous tube contained largely within the ventral lobe and are embedded in a matrix of moderate electron density. The primary spermatophore layer is uniformly thick around the sperm mass and contains at its peripheral margins both ring structures and crystals in an amorphous matrix. The intermediate layer is thicker dorsally than ventrally. Dense granules dominate the ventral half of the intermediate layer while inclusions populate the dorsal half; both react positively to the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) technique. The innermost portion of the outer bounding layer is composed of parallel fibrils; a flocculent material is present peripherally. This flocculent substance is presumed to impart stickiness to freshly extruded spermatophores. These observations provide a basis for the future understanding of the mechanisms involved in long-term storage of sperm in spermatophores.