Numerous absorption bands of the molecule C12O162 have been obtained in the near infrared under high resolution with the help of a multiple path absorption cell. Of these bands, 27 have been analyzed, among them three Δ—Δ transitions.The usual formula for the vibrational levels has been extended to include cubic terms and the values of the vibrational constants are given. Similarly the rotational constants Bν have been expressed by a formula including quadratic terms and the constants in this formula are given. The values of B0 and Be obtained here are respectively 0.39021 ±.00004 and 0.39162 cm−1.The l-type doubling constant qν of the Π states (apart from effects of Fermi resonance) can be represented by.The perturbation term of the Fermi resonance is given by the expression,where the quantum number l does not enter the first factor. The introduction of this expression allows one to represent all the vibrational levels as well as the rotational constants of each level and the constant q of the Π states w... non disponible