Resistance is not an unalterable factor, but is influenced by environment;Wheat stems which are solid or partially solid are more resistant than hollow stems;Golden Ball, a durum wheat, retains its solid characteristic under all conditions thus far investigated. The consistency of the pithy tissue is variable depending on environment;The solid and semi-solid vulgare varieties, S615, S632, S633 and S493, are variable in the expression of the pith tissue in the lumen. If a completely solid stem which would be stable under a wide range of conditions could be obtained by selection it would be of great value in a breeding program;Agropyron elongatum is highly resistant. Since it can be readily crossed with wheat it may be very valuable as parental breeding stock;There is evidence to indicate that timothy (Phleum pratense) is highly resistant to wheat stem sawfly. If this is definitely established this grass will undoubtedly be used in many areas as a permanent trap crop;Oats with its many varieties appears to lack nutritional requirements for the development of C. cinctus;Resistance can be determined to some extent by observing the development of the larvae and the size and oviposition potential of the females;The most reliable measure of resistance is the resultant larval mortality in infested stems.

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