Unsaturated fatty acids of mycobacteria

The double bond locations have been determined for the mono‐unsaturated fatty acids, C14 to C26 ofM. smegmatis andM. bovis BCG. The 14∶1 and 16∶1 fatty acids fromM. smegmatis are principally Δ10, while the 17∶1, 18∶1 and 19∶1 fatty acids from both organisms are Δ9. In the case ofM. smegmatis, the 20∶1, 22∶1 and 24∶1 fatty acids are principally Δ11, Δ13 and Δ15, respectively, while the 22∶1, 24∶1 and 26∶1 fatty acids of BCG are principally Δ13, Δ15 and Δ17, respectively.