Green, orange-red, orange, yellow, blue and white light emitting thin-film electroluminescent (EL) devices have been developed by using various rare-earth fluoride luminescence centers. A series of technical data on the relation between device performances and film deposition conditions are presented. The device performances, particularly, brightness and efficiency, much depend on ZnS active layer thickness and the concentration of luminescence centers, while the substrate temperature is not so effectual to obtain high brightness. The brightness of more than 100 foot-Lambert (fL) has been obtained for the devices emitting green (TbF3, ErF3 and HoF3), orange-red (SmF3), yellow (DyF3) and white (PrF3) under 5 kHz sinusoidal excitation. Especially, more than 600 fL is obtained by the TbF3 doped device. Typical efficiencies are 0.15 lm/W for the device doped with TbF3 and 0.03–0.05 lm/W for the devices doped with SmF3, DyF3, PrF3, ErF3 and HoF3.