The IAEA 14C Intercomparison Exercise 1990

As a follow-up to the meeting of experts convened at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in February 1989, and the International 14C Workshop held in Glasgow in September 1989, the 14C Quality Assurance Program was formulated. In a joint effort of several radiocarbon teams and IAEA staff, we have prepared a set of five new intercomparison materials. These are natural materials frequently used by radiocarbon laboratories. The materials were distributed to 137 laboratories in May 1990. In February 1991, a meeting of experts was convened in Vienna to evaluate the results, to determine the radiocarbon activity of the five samples expressed in % Modern (pMC) terms and to define the 13C/12C ratio, and to make recommendations on further use of these materials. We present here the results of the exercise and the agreed consensus values for each of the five materials and discuss the different analyses that were undertaken.