The Surgical Approach to Peyronie’s Disease

Seven patients with Peyronie's disease were treated by surgical exposure of the fibrous plaque and dermo-jet injection of steroids into the plaque under direct vision. Relief of pain was obtained in 2 of 3 patients and curvature was only moderately improved i 2 of 7 patients. One of 4 patients who were unable to perform coitus because of the curvature noted improvement after the injections. The low rate of response in this small series of patients would suggest that there is no additional benefit in the use of the dermo-jet over percutaneous injection of the plaques. The latter procedure can be performed more easily on a repeated basis over a longer period. Two patients whose plaques were excised and repalced by a dermal inlay graft have had a good response to treatment and it would appear that this technique is useful for the patient who has failed to respond to conservative measures and who is significantly disabled by the disease.