Interaction of Protein Antigens and Antibodies

Summary: Studies on the inhibition of the egg albumin-anti-egg albumin reaction have been conducted with 20 amino acids and acetylated amino acids and 40 related compounds to determine the extent and possible specificity of any inhibitory effects. Relatively high concentrations of the amino acids and acetylated amino acids were required to produce inhibition and no specificity of their effects was apparent. Variable inhibitory effects were noted with compounds having different chemical properties. The inhibition produced by substances with similar functional groups appeared to increase with increase in the molecular weight of the compound tested. The inhibition of precipitate formation by KF, KCl, KBr, KI, and KCNS decreased in the same order as the familiar lyotropic series, CNS− τ; I− τ; Br− τ; Cl− τ; F−. With these inorganic anions increase in degree of hydration is accompanied by decreased inhibitory power. The effect of pH on the egg albumin-anti-egg albumin reaction has been measured and interpreted in terms of the groups of the interacting proteins which undergo change in the pH ranges where onset of inhibition is noted.