The depressions of the freezing point of lithium (gettered by yttrium at 400°C) caused by nitrogen and hydrogen have been determined by thermal analysis. For Li3N in lithium, the freezing point drops progressively from 180.49 to 180.24°C at the eutectic composition, 0.068 mol % N. For LiH, the maximum depression is 0.08°C and the eutectic composition is 0.016 mol % H. The depression was used to calculate the solid solubility of N and H in lithium. For the liquid, the solubility of non-metal rises from the eutectic point to 0.070 and 0.017 mol % N and H, respectively, at the melting point, 180.49°C. The data complete the metal-rich end of the lithium-lithium salt phase diagrams.