The Effect of Chronic Administration of a Synthetic LH‐RH Analogue Intranasally in Cryptorchid Boys

Boys 18 with either unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism were treated with a synthetic LH-RH [luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, luliberin] analog (D-Leu6, Des-Gly10 LH-RH ethylamide) intranasally. The peptide was dissolved in aqueous solution (25 .mu.g in 0.2 ml) and administered in the form of nasal drops. The patients were divided in 2 groups: in group A, 50 .mu.g of the synthetic LH-RH analog were administered intranasally every 48 h for 36 days; in group B same dose was given every 24 h. Additionally, in 4 cases a LH-RH test prior the trial was performed with the same peptide. The nasal administration resulted in a 5-fold increase of LH [lutropin] and of FSH [follitropin] plasma concentration in 30 min and in 60 min, respectively. The endocrine profiles for T [testosterone], LH and FSH were studied in each group over the treatment period and in group B (same dose was given every 24 h) a significant decrease of the LH and FSH plasma levels could be found. The clinical effect of treatment was same in the both groups. In the whole material 44% had either unilateral or bilateral descent of the testis after the therapy.