Analysis of chimeric mRNAs derived from theSTE3mRNA identifies multiple regions within yeast mRNAs that modulate mRNA decay

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae unstable mRNAs decay 10-20 fold more rapidly than stable mRNAs. In order to examine the basis for the differences in decay rate of the unstable STE3 mRNA and the stable PGK1 and ACT1 mRNAs we have constructed and measured the decay rates of numerous chimeric mRNAs. These experiments indicate that multiple regions within yeast mRNAs are involved in modulating mRNA decay rates. Our results suggest that at least two regions within the STE3 mRNA are involved in stimulating rapid decay. One region is located within the coding region and requires sequences between codons 13 and 179. In addition, the STE3 3' UT can also function to stimulate decay. Surprisingly, the STE3 3' UT is not sufficient to accelerate the turnover of the stable PGK1 transcript unless portions of the PGK1 coding region are first deleted. These results not only identify sequences that function within yeast to stimulate mRNA turnover but also have important implications for an understanding of the basis of differences in eukaryotic mRNA decay rates.