Analog States ofSr89and the Particle-Core Model in theN=50Region

Analog resonances in (p, p) and (p, p) excitation functions on Sr88 have been studied, and previous data have been extended to complete the range from Ep=4.8 to 12 MeV and include residual channels up to Ex=4.5 MeV in the target system. The various reaction mechanisms contributing to the observed structure are assayed. A comparison of the present data with similar experimental results in this mass region has been made, and the empirical evidence for particle-core coupling in the spectra of several odd-A nuclei near N=50 has been stressed. The possible existence of composite particle-core structure involving the 01+ and collective 21+ and 31 cores is discussed and a consequent means of populating two-phonon 21+×31 state is suggested. Evidence for particle coupling to noncollective core excitations is also cited.