Analog States ofSr89and the Particle-Core Model in theN=50Region
- 1 March 1970
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review C
- Vol. 1 (3) , 945-957
Analog resonances in () and () excitation functions on have been studied, and previous data have been extended to complete the range from MeV and include residual channels up to MeV in the target system. The various reaction mechanisms contributing to the observed structure are assayed. A comparison of the present data with similar experimental results in this mass region has been made, and the empirical evidence for particle-core coupling in the spectra of several odd- nuclei near has been stressed. The possible existence of composite particle-core structure involving the and collective and cores is discussed and a consequent means of populating two-phonon × state is suggested. Evidence for particle coupling to noncollective core excitations is also cited.
This publication has 18 references indexed in Scilit:
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- A study of the low-lying isobaric analogue states of 89Sr by means of the 88Sr (p, p) and (p, p′) reactionsNuclear Physics A, 1968
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