Studien in der Lumiflavin‐Reihe VII. Zur Kenntnis der 4‐Desoxyflavine und der Struktur von Flavin‐Metallchelaten

The general instability of desoxy‐isoalloxazines has been confirmed by studying the formation and decomposition of 4‐phenyl‐4‐desoxy‐isoalloxazines and ‐alloxazines. It has been shown, that the former (4‐desoxy‐flavins) may be synthesized in the semiquinonoid radical state. These radicals react with O2 or H2O2 with fission of the 4‐substituents to give the analogous 4‐oxo‐compounds by a hydroperoxide rearrangement. In view of this instability, the oxinate like structure of flavin metal chelates may be excluded.

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