Mortality of Workers at the Hanford Site: 1945-1981

Analyses of mortality of workers at the Hanford Site were updated to include an additional three years of data (1979.sbd.81). Deaths occurring in the state of Washington in the years 1982.sbd.85 were also evaluated. Hanford workers continued to exhibit a strong healthy worker effect with death rates substantially below those of the general U.S. population. Comparisons by level of radiation exposure within the Hanford worker population provided no evidence of a positive correlation of radiation exposure and mortality from all cancers combined or of mortality from leukemia. Estimates of cancer risk due to radiation were negative, but confidence intervals were wide, indicating that the data were consistent with no risk and with risks several times larger than estimates provided by major groups concerned with risk assessment. Of 18 categories of cancer analyzed, a correlation of borderline statistical significance was identified for female genital cancers (p = 0.05), but was interpreted as probably spurious. The previously identified correlation for multiple myeloma persisted (p = 0.002).