For this study of photographic densitometry, sections of cartilage stained with Alcian Blue, safranin O and high iron diamine were photographed at x40 with Nikon photomicrography equipment on Kodak Panatomic X film with appropriate filters to enhance contrast. Portions of the developed negative films were selected from intercellular matrix regions, and circles of film equivalent in diameter to a 30-mu circle of tissue were obtained with a hand-held paper punch. Silver was eluted from the circles of film with 35% nitric acid, and the quantity of silver deposited on the film was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry as a measure of stain intensity. The intensity determined by this analytic procedure compared favorably with results obtained previously from the same tissue with microspectrophotometry. This method of silver analysis has advantages over earlier studies which used silver elution to determine photographic densitometry in its technical ease, accuracy and sensitivity. Furthermore, this method compares well with microspectrophotometry in its results and has the advantages of relative inexpensiveness and availability of equipment.