Feeding Habits of Larval and Fingerling Striped Bass and Zooplankton Dynamics in Fertilized Rearing Ponds

Fertilization of freshwater striped bass rearing ponds with cottonseed meal or chicken manure and chicken litter in combination with liquid inorganic fertilizers and zooplankton inoculation were evaluated in 10 0.04-ha (0.10 acre) ponds over a 4-week period. Chlorophyll α levels and pH were significantly higher, and alkalinity and Secchi disk visibility significantly lower, in ponds fertilized with cottonseed meal. Ponds fertilized with cottonseed meal produced more crustacean zooplankton than did ponds fertilized with chicken manure and chicken litter. Fish survival and production averaged 63% and 49 kg/ha (43.7 lbs/acre) in ponds fertilized with cottonseed meal and 46% and 26 kg/ha (23.3 lbs/acre) in ponds fertilized with chicken manure and chicken litter. Adult copepods and small cladocerans were the dominant food items found in the diets of the fish.