Large-Scale Experiments on Aerosol Behavior in Light Water Reactor Containments

Aerosol behavior is a central topic in the overall determination of source terms of accidents in nuclear power plants. Aerosol behavior codes have been developed for ∼20 yr and their state of development is considered to be well advanced. The acceptance of results of the calculations, however, was poor as far as physical understanding and the results of basic research were involved. Proof that the codes are complete and the choice of models is adequate for a situation during an accident required large-scale integral experiments that simulated real conditions as closely as necessary and possible.Recently, three large-scale experimental programs were carried out dealing with the behavior of aerosols during core-melt accidents in light water reactors (LWRs). In the Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant (NSPP) program, the principal behaviors of different insoluble aerosols and of mixed aerosols were measured in dry air atmospheres and in condensing steam-air atmospheres contained in a 38-m3 steel vessel. The Demonstrat...

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