SEA 10X concentrator development progress

A linear-focus, one-axis tracking concentrator with a number of unique and innovative features that will allow it to be produced for under one dollar per peak Watt is being developed. The objectives of the present effort are to continue the development of the low-cost extruded lens, to develop one-sun solar cells for use in the concentrator, to develop a receiver assembly that will pass the Sandia Qualification Test, and to assemble a prototypical module that will pass the Sandia Qualification Test. A ten-inch-wide extruded lens has been developed that has a measured optical transmission of 76% at 8.7:1 concentration and up to 85% transmission at lower concentration. Receivers sections have passed the Sandia Qualification Tests using cells with evaporated contacts, but receivers using screen metallization did not pass because of the metal lifting off the cells.

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