Pulsatile Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Treatment in Idiopathic Delayed Puberty*

Idiopathic delayed male puberty is defined as a delay of puberty beyond the age of 16, with prepubertal testosterone levels, normal gonadotropin responses to GnRH (excluding pituitary failure), and normal androgen responses to a single hCG injection (excluding testicular Leydig cell dysfunction), in absence of serious disease. Ten boys with this condition were evaluated as to their spontaneous LH, FSH, and PRL secretory patterns during a 24-h sampling period (20-min intervals). After this all patients weretreated with pulsatile infusions of GnRH (25 ng/kg-pulse every 90 min for 10 days. Two groups could be distinguished by means of their pretreatment LH secretory pattern. Five patients had nighttime pulsatile elevation of LH levels, as usually occurs in early puberty.The other five patients did not have such a pattern (prepubertal type). The GnRH treatment resulted in increased LH and testosterone levels in both groups. All patients with pretreatment nighttime pulsatile LH secretion had steady pubertal development during the post-GnRH treatment observation period, whereas the other patients did not. In conclusion, among a number of tests, including chronic pulsatile GnRH treatment for 10 days, only the nocturnal LH secretory pattern differentiated delayed puberty from permanent hypothalamichypogonadism in boys.