The EPPS was given to 19 engaged couples to determine personality trends in mate selection. All couples were undergraduates at college (Long Island area). The personality variables were achievement (Ach), deference (Def), order (Ord), exhibition (Exh), autonomy (Aut), affiliation (Aff), intraception (Int), succorance (Suc), dominance (Dom), abasement (Aba), nurturance (Nur), change (Chg), endurance (End), heterosexuality (Het), and aggression (Agg). It was hypothesized on the basis of prior studies that mate selection, for this sample, would rest upon some complementary needs rather than homogamy of needs. It was found that males scored significantly higher than females in Dom, Ach, and End and females scored significantly higher than males in Nur, Aff, and Aba, supporting the idea that mate selection is based on complementary needs.