Observation of Cu NMR in antiferromagnetic PrBa2Cu3O7: Evidence for hole-band filling

Copper nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been observed at plane and chain Cu sites in PrBa2 Cu3 O7. The field-swept NMR signal from plane Cu sites disappears due to magnetic ordering below ∼280 K. In the antiferromagnetic state (T=1.4 K) quadrupole-split NMR spectra from plane-site Cu nuclei can be fit using an axial electric-field gradient (νQ=17±2 MHz) and an internal field Hint=65.2±0.2 kOe directed at an angle 79°±1° to the c axis. The observation of plane-Cu magnetism is consistent with the absence of doped holes on CuO2 planes in PrBa2 Cu3 O7, which supports the view that hole filling is important in suppressing superconductivity in Y1x Prx Ba2 Cu3 O7.