Perithecia of Pleospora trichostoma arise as small knots of multinucleate hyphae in agar culture. Mature asci are formed after 3-4 months at low temp. (3[degree]-5[degree]C ). Vegetative hyphae contain nuclei with a granular network which takes the Feulgen stain. The ascostroma arises by division of cells of the primordial knot. Certain of these ascostromal cells enlarge, become multinucleate, and function as ascogonia. The ascogonium puts out branched ascogenous hyphae which contain nuclei with a single central granule within a vacuole. These nuclei increase in number and size and eventually are isolated in pairs within the young ascus where nuclear fusion occurs. No sexually differentiated gametic branches nor any cellular nor nuclear fusions were seen prior to the nuclear fusion in the ascus. Interthecial tissue arises in a manner similar to the formation of ascogenous hyphae but is more variable and shows a different nuclear structure. Spore formation is similar to that typical for other ascomycetes. The mature spores contain numerous nuclei.

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