Physical characteristics in eucaryotic promoters

For a series of wild type and mutated eucaryotic gene prelude sequences (mainly “promoters” of SV40 early gene (Benoist and Chambon, Nature 290, 304 (1981); Moreau et al., Nuc. Acids Res. 9, 6047 (1982)) and of Herpes Simplex Virus TK gene (McKnight and Kingsbury, Science 217, 316 (1982)), in vivo promoter activity and local stability (denaturability) have been correlated. In agreement with the conclusions drawn in these papers, the correlation points to three major eucaryotic promoter elements and loci: (i) enzyme enabling by an enhancer sequence; SV40 and Moloney Sarcoma Virus enhancers have a striking stability homology; (ii) enzyme activation, occuring 50–70 b.p. upstream the cap site in a high stability domain; the enzyme apparently deactivates exponentially upon moving away to trap site; (iii) enzyme positioning at trap site, 30±5 b.p. upstream the cap site. The trap site contains the TATA box, or, when absent, other low stability domains downstream the activator. The number and occupancy of cap sites may depend on the stability and size of the trap site-cap site couple and its distance from the activator.