On the analysis of glory scattering data for the extraction of information on the interatomic potential well

With the availability of a large (and ever increasing) body of experimental data on the velocity dependence of the absolute total cross section Q(v) for atom-atom collisions and improved observations of well-resolved glory undulations Δ Q(v), it is desirable to reconsider the problem of ``inversion'' of such data to yield information on the interatomic potential V(r). In the absence of differential cross section measurements there is a practical limit to the amount of information on V(r) available from the total cross sections, even when observations of good accuracy, e.g., ±0.5% in Q(v), are in hand over an extended energy range. It is important to develop optimal means of data processing for the most efficient utilization of glory extrema velocities and amplitudes. Several commonly used procedures for data inversion are no longer adequate to deal with the high quality experimental results now becoming available. The present paper describes new and improved methods for data utilization which take full advantage of the accuracy of the glory scattering data.