Phase diagram of theS=1/2 quantum spin chain with bond alternation

We study the ground-state properties of the bond-alternating S=1/2 quantum spin chain whose Hamiltonian is H= tsumj (S2jx S2j+1x +S2jy S2j+1yS2jz S2j+1z) +βtsumj S2j1S2j. When β=0, the ground state is a collection of local singlets with a finite excitation gap. In the limit of strong ferromagnetic coupling β→-∞, this is equivalent to the S=1 XXZ Hamiltonian. It has several ground-state phases in the λ-β plane including the Haldane phase which has a finite excitation gap above the ground. They are characterized by a full breakdown, partial breakdowns, and a nonbreakdown of the hidden discrete Z2×Z2 symmetry. The ground-state phase diagram is obtained by series expansions.
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