Metabolism of Coronary Vasculature in Euthyroid, Hyperthyroid and Recovering Hyperthyroid Rats: A Histochemical Study

Coronary arteries and arterioles from normal rats, from rats made hyperthyroid by administration of desiccated thyroid for 10 weeks, and from hyperthyroid rats which were then fed normal control diets for 10 weeks, were examined histochemically to determine the activity of key metabolic pathways. The primary aims of this study were to determine if the alterations in particular enzyme and substrate activities that occur in thyrotoxic rat myocardium, arteries and arterioles were reversible and would return to normal levels following cessation of the hyperthyroid state. Our results suggest that hyperthyroid rats, even after 10 weeks on the normal diet, still show some compromise in arteriolar aerobic metabolism in favor of anaerobic pathways, while coronary arteries still demonstrate little glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. Myocardial metabolic activity approximates that of normal control animals by the end of the 10th week on the normal diet.