A comparison of the effects of child management and planned activities training in five parenting environments

This study compared the effects of two procedures designd to enhance the extratraining effects of behavioral parents training. Twenty parents of oppositianal children were randomly assign to either a child manangment training condition or a combined child management plus planned activity condition. A further 10 nonproblem children and their parents serve as a social validation group. Observation of both parents and children behavior were conducted in each of five home observation setting (breakfirst time, kindy (kindergarten) or school exit, a structured playtime, bathtime, and bedtime). Both training procedures result in change in both child oppositional and parents oversive behaviosr in all observation settings. In addition, desire positive parents behaviour also improve in all setting. Treatment effect were maintained in all setting at 3-month follow up. Composition between oppositional children following treatment and children in the social validation group showed that they each displayed similarly low lavels of oppositional behaviour in all settings. The inplecation of the results for faciliating generalised changes in behavioral parent training are discusssd.