The effect of drought stress on the non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) composition and water relations of the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) stem has been investigated. Five separate parts of the stem were sampled: the unsheathed portion of the peduncle (Stem 1a), the sheathed portion of the peduncle (Stem 1b), the penultimate internode (Stem 2), the lower internodes (Stem 3+4) and the flag-leaf-pulvinus (pulvinus). The NSC was analysed as two fractions, an ethanol-soluble carbohydrate (ESC) fraction containing mono- and di-saccharides and some low molecular weight oligosaccharides, and a water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) fraction containing mostly fructans and some high molecular weight oligosaccharides. In Stems 1b, 2 and 3 +4, the imposition of drought midway through grain filling resulted in a shift in soluble carbohydrate from the WSC to the ESC fraction indicating hydrolysis of fructans. In Stem 2 on day 29 of grain filling, the WSC/ESC ratio was 7.6 ± 1.5 in well watered plants in contrast to 0.5 ± 0.1 in droughted plants on day 30, even though NSC concentration did not differ. The NSC content of Stem la and the pulvinus increased threefold under drought, although levels were significantly lower than in the rest of the stem. The WSC/ESC ratio in these tissues was low com- pared to the rest of the stem but still declined noticeably under drought stress. Turgor (P) was fully maintained in Stem 2 and the pulvinus of droughted plants. Under drought, P in the pulvinus was maintained at higher levels (1.9-2.4 MPa) than in Stem 2 (0.8-1.2 MPa).

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