Gaschromatographisch-massenspektrometrische Differenzierung von Erdbeerarten / Gaschromatographical-masspectrometrical Differentiation of Aroma Substances from Strawberries

Ripe fruits of wild growing varieties of strawberries had been homogenized under inhibition of the enzymes and extracted with the adding of an internal standard. About 40 main components could be identified and quantitatively determined by gaschromatographical-mass-spectrometrical investigations. Methyl ketones and secondary alcohols dominate in Fragaria moschata and Fragaria vesca, whereas especially ethylesters of the carboxylic acids C6 to C12 are formed by Fragaria chiloensis. Fragaria virginiana contains numerous components amongst which are especially the methyl-and ethylesters of the carboxylic acids C6 to C12; besides it contains, as distinctive marks, n-butyl-, n-hexyl, ra-octyl, and n-decylesters of the carboxylic acids C4 to C10 . All varieties exhibit a sorttypical distribution pattern of the aroma components.