Oligo(A)-stimulated Tetrahymena rDNA synthesis in vitro

The synthesis of Tetrahymena r[ribosomal]DNA was examined using purified DNA polymerase and partially purified preparations of homologous replication enzymes (fraction IV). DNA synthesis with purified DNA polymerase alone was less than that with fraction IV enzymes. There probably were additional factors in fraction IV other than DNA polymerase which contributed to or enhanced rDNA synthesis in vitro. Neither hybridization of rDNA with Tetrahymena rRNA nor preincubation of rDNA with homologous or heterologous RNA polymerase served to stimulate in vitro synthesis by fraction IV enzymes. When rDNA was hybridized with oligoriboadenylate, DNA synthesis using fraction IV was stimulated approximately 4- to 4.5-fold over 150 min of incubation, relative to a similarly treated but unhybridized rDNA control. Using oligoriboadenylate-hybridized EcoR1 and HindIII restriction fragments of rDNA to localize the synthesis, most of the in vitro synthesis occurred within a 2.4 .times. 106 MW fragment encompassing the center of the rDNA molecule. The approach of hybridizing a synthetic homooligoribonucleotide primer to double-stranded DNA should prove to be of general applicability in designing similar template-primers in other systems for isolating replication proteins.