Gypsy/Ty3-like elements in the genome of the terrestrial salamanderHydromantes (Amphibia, Urodela)

We have studied a family of long repetitive DNA sequences (Hsr1) interspersed in the large genome of the European plethodontid salamanderHydromantes. The sequence analysis of a 5-kb fragment (Hsr1A) of one member has revealed significant similarities with aminoacidic domains of retroviruses and retrotransposons. The similarity of the reverse transcriptase domain and the gene organization identifies Hsr1A as a member of thegypsy/Ty3 class of retrotransposons. We hypothesize that Hsr1 sequences are vestiges of an invasion of theHydromantes genome that occurred early in the evolutionary history of these European plethodontids. About 106 Hsr1 sequences are present in the largeHydromantes genome. This is the highest number of copies so far discovered for retrotransposon-like elements in eukaryote organisms.