Plasma pancreastatin responses after intrajejunal infusion of liquid meal in patients with chronic pancreatitis

The plasma concentrations of pancreastatin and cholescystokinin (CCK), exocrine pancreatic responses, and gallbladder contraction following intrajejunal ingestion of 100 kcallhr semidigested liquid meal (Clinimeal) were simultaneously studied in six controls and six patients with chronic pancreatitis. An intrajejunal infusion of Clinimeal resulted in significant rises of pancreastatin and CCK, which paralleled the pancreatic secretion and gallbladder contraction. On the other hand, an intrajejunal infusion of Clinimeal resulted in a delayed rise of pancreastatin and no rise of CCK in chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatic secretion did not increase, and gallbladder contraction was not induced in these patients. It is suggested that pancreastatin may play an important role in the regulation of intestinal phase of exocrine pancreas. The impaired pancreastatin and CCK release in chronic pancreatitis may be due to the inappropriate stimuli in the lumen, which is attributed to pancreatic exocrine dysfunction, or to disturbed physiological regulation between the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.